FSGW Board Minutes Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Meeting Called to Order

by Mary Cliff at 8:10 P.M.

Members Present: President Mary Cliff, VP Sue McIver, Secretary Sandy Aubin, Treasurer Richard Aigen, Membership Chair RosieLee Salinas, Program & Events Chair Betsy Platt, Dance Chair Penelope Weinberger, Publicity Chair Liz Milner, Publications Chair Roxanne Watts, at-large members Peter Maier, Janie Meneely, Leslie Root, Past Treasurer Jerry Stein. A quorum is present.

Members Absent: None

Guest Presenter: Bryan Bruns

Approval of Minutes

Mary reported the results of electronic vote following the June meeting, a quorum not being present at the meeting.

Motion to approve June minutes. Passed


Program/Concert Report

Betsy reported no current events; Keith Murphy for October house concert.

Dance Report

New Business: Web site banner tagline says, “Furthering the understanding, investigation, appreciation, and performance of the traditional folk music and folklore of the American people.” PW stated “of the American people” is jingoistic and exclusionary, not our mission nor in our bylaws.

Action Item: Mary proposed we research and bring back a proposal.

Discussion of shuttle for non-drivers. Bryan Bruns described how other dances do it and what has/has not worked. Topics included on-line options for matching riders with drivers, logistics, and legal issues.

Action Item: Peter will look into liability.

Action Item: Penelope will touch base with Vicky to see where Friday Night Dance is on this issue.

Dance: Celebration of DC Dance raised about $800 for Friday Night Dance & FSGW.

Penelope will update wording for ContraStock to Sandy. Tickets on sale; 30 so far; 8 t-shirts sold so far; will sell a maximum of 500 adult tickets to the dance.

Catapult Dance festival; Penelope went to event & hired several callers/bands; suggests we support attendance at that event in the future. $75 stipend ($300 total) for Atlanta event.

Peter moves to table discussion until budget meeting. Passed

Betsy moved “Kill fee” -- $100 minimum musicians, 80 for caller. Passed

FigmentDC artsfest: Sept. 29; Penelope wants FSGW to sponsor a dance “exhibit”; c. $1500 for caller, band, sound, promotion.

Action Item: Penelope will submit proposal to FigmentDC artsfest

Peter suggests putting policies on band/caller hiring online.

Membership Report

As of June 5, 2012

Family 1096, Individual 741, Total 1837

Publications Report

Working on policy for use of logo; Liz will help work on policy.

How do we create added value to the printed newsletter?

If we publish a FSGW cookbook, we can sell it at Glen Echo, giving a 20% cut to the park.

Web Administration Report

Support provided for

Web Committee is the steering committee and does not equal Web Administration. Dennis Cook is moving off administration.

Action Item: Sandy will establish alltheboard and committee e-mail addresses.

There is currently no “help desk.” Web Administration has begun to provide that service.

Publicity Report

Liz has sent press release on ContraStock2.

Facebook has 464 likes, 342 weekly search(?) + tweets.

Discussion on how we “pin” the logo on Facebook pages. Ref. to a banner image and/or profile picture.

Treasurer Report

Action Item: Set date for annual budget meeting.

Old Business

Washington Folk Festival report will be presented in August

New Business

A discussion took place without resolutions of marketing ideas.

Action Item: Mary will seek lists of FSGW equipment assets from those responsible for them.

Meeting adjourned

10:50 PM

Respectfully submitted by

Sandy Aubin, Secretary
Folklore Society of Greater Washington